Having an understanding of the biological effects that ethanol has on the body can help you to drink responsibly and maintain your health both inside and out. Use the following information to determine how much and how often you should drink with no adverse biological effects.

Ethanol is a toxin to the body. When the body is faced with alcohol and calories from food, it will use the alcohol as fuel first. The calories from the food will be stored as fat. Ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde and acetate; both are toxic and contribute to the hangover affect.

The body uses NAD+ to metabolize alcohol. The depleted levels of NAD+ and increasing levels of NADH shift metabolism to fatty acid synthesis.

NADH leads to levels of lactic acid.

With NADH, DHAP (4th product in glycolysis- dihydroxyacetone phosphate) is converted to glycerol 3-P, the backbone for triglycerides. .

NADH also slows down enzymes 3 and 4 of the krebs cycle, which concentrations of Citrate. Citrate leaves the mitochondria and is diverted to Fatty Acid synthesis. .

Gluconeogenesis is also impaired due to depleted alpha-ketoglutarate. Since the increased NADH levels have slowed down the krebs cycle, there is less alpha-ketoglutarate to be used for gluconeogenesis.

12 oz beer (~0.5 oz of ethanol)

5 oz glass of wine (~0.5 oz of ethanol)

10 oz wine cooler (~0.5 oz of ethanol)

Body can process 0.5 oz of ethanol per 1 to 1.5 hours.

Drinking more than two drinks in less than an hour leads to fat storage.

Alcohol also inhibits the release of vasopressin, which normally stimulates the kidneys to conserve water. This leads to dehydration and another contribution to the hangover.

Blood sludging occurs with alcohol abuse. RBC clump together and cause blockage of capillary beds, which leads to destruction of capillaries from lack of oxygen. This accounts for blotchy skin seen on a heavy drinker’s face.


Proof= (100% alcohol = 50 Proof)

Beer ~ 3-8% ETOH = 6 to 16 Proof

Wine ~ 12-14% ETOH = 24 to 28 Proof

Spirits ~ 40-55% ETOH = 80 to 100 Proof

Calories from alcohol


12 oz x (approx Proof 8) x 0.8 = 76.8 kcal


5 oz x (approx Proof 24) x 0.8 = 96 kcal


1.5 oz shot x (approx Proof 80) x 0.8 = 96 kcal